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"Numquam Damnati Quiescenti (The guilty never rest.)"
— 33rd Infantry Battalion's motto.

The 33rd Infantry Battalion was a large combat unit of the United States Army led by Colonel John Konrad in Dubai.

Deployment in Dubai[]

Following the completion of their tour in Afghanistan, the entire 33rd Infantry Battalion was volunteered by Colonel Konrad to assist in the evacuation of Dubai following the most catastrophic sandstorm in the city's history. Despite initial attempts to evacuate the refugees, the intense sandstorms across the city rendered their efforts moot. With the situation continuing to deteriorate with little relief in sight, the 33rd were ordered by US Central Command to withdraw from the city regardless of the evacuation progress. As their desperate pleas for assistance fell on deaf ears amongst CENTCOM, the 33rd disobeyed their direct orders and opted to remain in the city to continue assisting trapped civilians unable to evacuate in time. Their refusal to evacuate led to the United States military disavowing the entire unit, and a no-man's land was declared by the UAE government.

With all evacuation routes leading out of Dubai closed and communications with the outside world cut off following the arrival of the storm wall, unrest began spreading throughout the civilian refugees. As the city's already-limited resources was stretched to the breaking point, the 33rd instituted martial law out of desperation and quickly began brutally cracking down on dissent on the local populace. The atrocities committed by the 33rd led to a major schism within the battalion as two major factions were formed: loyalists led by Konrad were referred to as "The Damned", whereas rebels led by the majority of the battalion's command staff referred to as "The Exiles".

As open conflict broke out between "The Damned" and "The Exiles" across the city, Konrad's loyalists frequently gained the upper hand in the conflict, despite the refugees' support for "The Exiles". Ultimately, the sheer numerical might of "The Damned" overwhelmed "The Exiles" and resulted in the execution of the remaining mutineers at Konrad's direction. Their corpses were displayed as a warning amongst the refugees against further acts of insurrection. Following the end of the civil war, Konrad led one final desperate attempt to evacuate the city, and led a convoy out of the city. However, the arrival of further devastating sandstorms overwhelmed the convoy, and led to the deaths of over 1,300 refugees and soldiers. The failure of the convoy led to the survivors making their way back to the city, as tensions between the surviving 33rd and refugees grew drastically.

Prior to their defeat, certain segments within the refugees were armed and trained by "The Exiles", and led to a sporadic local insurgency against the 33rd. As the insurgency reached its peak, the 33rd successfully negotiated a ceasefire between the two groups, leading to an increasingly tense situation. Further compounding the tense atmosphere was the covert insertion of a CIA team sent to investigate and potentially cover-up the actions of the 33rd. Roughly five and a half months following the failure of the convoy, Konrad made one final broadcast recounting his failure to evacuate the city, which was eventually received by US Central Command. Following this, Konrad became overwhelmed with guilt and committed suicide, leaving command of the 33rd to its embedded civilian radioman Robert Darden.

Seeking answers, US Central Command covertly deployed a Delta Force recon team, led by Captain Martin Walker; a former soldier under Konrad's command. Concurrently, the CIA agents realised the potential geopolitical implications should the outside world discover the atrocities made by the 33rd. Thus, a plan was formed to re-instigate the conflict between the refugee insurgents and the remnants of the 33rd. By the time Walker's team arrived in Dubai, the conflict between the 33rd and the insurgents had exploded full-swing into open conflict, and the 33rd found itself reverting to utilising harsher methods in an effort to rein in further chaos.


By the time Captain Walker and his team reach Dubai, the Civil War has essentially been over, with "The Exiles" having been crushed by "The Damned". Re-focusing their attention on Dubai, the 33rd discover CIA operatives deployed into the country, in the hopes of re-igniting tensions between the locals and the 33rd and essentially wiping out all survivors of the disaster. Their attempts prove successful, as tensions are pushed to the breaking point, which escalates into a full-blown war, breaking the cease-fire.

Between the fight against the insurgency and the Deltas, which were forced to join the CIA agents, all the remaining 33rd is annihilated. Though they managed to kill two of the Deltas, when Captain Walker reaches the Tower, all surviving soldiers apparently submit to his orders, but in fact it was a simple hallucination, as he really was alone.


The multiplayer centers around the conflict between the two groups the 33rd Infantry were broken into after the attempted evacuation, The Damned and The Exiles.

Known Units[]

Known Members[]

Known Equipment[]

As a U.S. infantry battalion, the 33rd had access to standard military equipment. But because they were stranded in a hostile environment for so long, some of this valued equipment was lost, forcing them to scavenge for additional firearms. Most soldiers wear standard ACUs, with the notable exception of the Zulu Squad, which wear stronger armor. Many, if not most, of the battalion's vehicles had been lost either to hostile fire, being buried in sand, lack of fuel, or lack of practical use in the unstable, sandy environment.


The term on the right denotes how common the weapon is encountered in the hands of the 33rd.



  • A real 33rd Infantry Division was active in the U.S. Army National Guard from 1917 until 1968. In the late 1960s, the division was reduced to a brigade-sized formation. Its history today is perpetuated by the 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team.
  • Konrad had all of his staff killed due to their mutiny; it is unknown who lead the 33rd after their executions and Konrad's suicide, but given the Radioman's role in the game it is possible he took over because he is heard giving orders to the 33rd.
  • Despite the above point, a soldier in chapter 5 can be heard addressing a Major. It should be noted that Walker said that the 33rd was no longer acting as part of the U.S. Army; it's possible the Major in question was an officer that remained loyal to Konrad or was promoted after the staff were executed.
  • A loading screen states that the 33rd was the Army's most decorated battalion.
  • Above the trench where Delta accidentally massacred the civilians with white phosphorus, there is a hand written banner that reads "33rd Mobile Infantry". There is no real life US military unit designated as Mobile Infantry; the term refers to the land force of the Terran Federation from the book Starship Troopers.
  • Some soldiers listed in the 33rd's memorials are ranked as Airman First Class. They may have been part of a Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) embedded with the 33rd to coordinate air support.
  • The 33rd has a total of more than 982 soldiers.
  • The use of the maroon beret by some Bayonet Runners of the 33rd suggest that the unit ois an airborne unit or was in the units past. The units use of MH-60L Direct Action Penetrators and AH-6J Little Birds imply that the unit is an air assault. So similar to the real world 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) the 33rd was formerly an airborne unit that became an air assault unit but kept the maroon beret for historical reasons. It is interesting to that the "The Man" Head Kit for the Officer class is a black beret, which is the standard for all non-airborne units.
  • The use of Strykers by the unit is irregular for U.S. Army infantry battalions. Strykers are typically use in Stryker Brigade Combat Teams or Cavalry Regiments. It is possible that a Stryker unit was attached to the 33rd to assist with the evacuation.
  • The AH-6J Little Birds and MH-60L Direct Action Penetrators are used only by the U.S. Army 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne), this implies that the unit was attached to assist in the evacuation.


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