- .44 Magnum
- 0 Negative
- 2K Games
- 33rd Dispatch
- 33rd Infantry
- 417
- AA-12
- AH-6J Little Bird
- AK-47
- AK-74
- AK74
- AKS-74U
- AT-4
- A Bridge Too Far
- A Farewell to Arms
- A Line, Crossed
- A Line, Held
- A Man of Action
- A Man of Patience
- Ace
- Achievements (Spec Ops: The Line)
- Adapt and Overcome
- Adapted
- Agent Danials
- Aim High
- Airlift
- Airspace Control
- All You Can Be
- Alpha Patrol
- Alphanso Adams
- Always Prepared
- Ammo
- Ammo Crate
- Anonymous
- Antarctica
- Applied Force
- Armor
- Army of One
- Artillery
- Assai News Dubai
- Assassin
- Assault
- Attrition
- Automatic Rifle
- Bandolier
- Battle Management
- Bayonet Runner
- Benson
- Big Grub
- Binoculars
- Birding
- Blast
- Blind Luck
- Blood Thirst
- Bloodshot
- Blue Tag Camouflage
- Bombing Run
- Boned
- Boot
- Breacher
- Brian Castavin
- Browning M2A2
- Brush Trail Camouflage
- Bullet Bruised Camouflage
- Buried
- Burnt Rock Camouflage
- C4
- Camouflage Patterns
- Cattails Camouflage
- Chaos
- Chopper Attack
- Close Combat Carnage
- Combat
- Commander
- Commando
- Communications
- Consumed
- Continent Camouflage
- Cover Rat
- Covert
- Cow-Poke
- Creasman
- Crosby
- Crow's Nest
- Crow 2
- Cut Customization System
- Cyclops
- Damn Close
- Damned if You Do
- Damned if You Don't
- David Long
- Deep Forest Camouflage
- Deer Hunter
- Delivery
- Delta
- Delta Force
- Delta Squad
- Demolition
- Desert Eagle
- Desert Storm
- Detpacks
- Diesel
- Digital Sand Camouflage
- Dockside
- Down But Not Out
- Dubai
- Dusk
- Dweller
- Elimination
- Elizabeth Konrad
- Emerald Pond Camouflage
- Emergency
- Ericsson
- Escalation
- Execution
- Explosives (Accessory)
- Exterminator
- Extinction
- F. Taylor
- FNP-45
- FUBAR Pack
- Falcon One
- Fancy Slick
- Fari
- Field
- Fired Up
- Flamer
- Flamethrower
- Flash Bang
- Flying Skull
- Foreclosure
- Forest Brown Camouflage
- Frag Grenade
- France
- Freebird
- Frenzy
- Friendly Fire
- Froggy
- G18
- Garry
- Gassed
- Gator Eye Camouflage
- Gearhead
- General Dynamics GAU-17/A
- Germany
- Ghillie Suit
- Ghost
- Glory Bound
- Good Training
- Gotham Games
- Graffiti Camouflage
- Grenades
- Grey Fox
- Grilled
- Grinder
- Grounded
- Gunner
- Half Health
- Healing
- Heavy Trooper
- Hoedown
- Hood Rat
- Hunter
- Hunter Camouflage
- Hunting Rifle
- IED Expertise
- In Your Face
- Incog
- Infrared
- Intel
- Intel Operative
- Iron
- J. Taylor
- Jackson
- Jeff Bowles
- Jeff Riggs
- Jet Set
- Jim
- John Konrad
- John Lugo
- John McPherson
- Josh Forbes
- Ken Tebby
- King
- Kirsch Company
- Knife
- Korea
- Krazy Katana
- L.S. Harris
- Laptop
- Last Resort
- Lieutenant Bradley
- Loadout Creation
- M-590
- M-99 Sniper
- M1014
- M110
- M120 Mortar
- M249 SAW
- M32 MGL
- M4
- M4A1
- M9
- MH-60L DAP
- MK 13
- MP7
- MSG-90
- Machined
- Malpractice
- Marksman
- Marksman - Grenade
- Marksman - Heavy Arms
- Marksman - Rifle
- Marksman - Shotgun
- Marksman - Small Arms
- Marksman - Sniper
- Martin Walker
- Martinez
- Martzen
- Medic
- Medkit
- Messinola V-T80
- Miami Style
- Micro 9mm
- Miller
- Minimap
- Mission
- Mission (Damned Body Kit)
- Morgue
- Morning Dew Camouflage
- Mosca Amarilla
- Moss Camouflage
- Muler
- Mummy
- Mutiny
- Night Patch Camouflage
- Nolan North
- Nomad
- O'Conner
- O'Neill
- OTS-14
- Officer
- Officer Order
- Officer Supply Drop
- Ogham Whiskey Company
- Operation: Reclamation
- Overkill
- P220
- P90
- PALS Vest
- PKM A Machine Gun
- Pakistan
- Patient 0
- Perks
- Pete Gobbi
- Peter Hoffman
- Pineda
- Pistol
- Powder
- Predator Camouflage
- Preventative Diplomacy
- Proximity Mine
- Puck You
- RPG-7
- Radio
- Rainforest Camouflage
- Rally
- Rally Point
- Randolf Dossler
- Rappel Rope
- Razor Mouth
- Recon
- Red Clay Camouflage
- Red Orchid
- Refugees
- Resilient
- Rick Gould
- Rifleman
- Ripcord Games
- Robert Darden
- Rocket Launcher
- Round Up
- Runecraft
- Sandstorms
- Scavenger
- Scope
- Scorched Dirt Camouflage
- Scout
- Scout Tactical
- Scrambler
- Sergeant Roberts
- Shades
- Sheltron
- Ship Graveyard
- Shipwreck
- Sickness
- Sierra Hotel
- Situational Awareness
- Situational Awareness (Achievement)
- Situational Awareness (Perk)
- Skunk
- Sky Wadi
- Slick
- Sniper
- Sniper Rifle
- Socket Wrench
- Solar Flare Camouflage
- Soldier
- Soldier or Civilian Choice
- Spade
- Spain
- Spec Ops: Airborne Commando
- Spec Ops: Airborne Commando/Walkthrough
- Spec Ops: Covert Assault
- Spec Ops: Covert Assault/Videos
- Spec Ops: Covert Assault/Walkthrough
- Spec Ops: Ranger Elite
- Spec Ops: Ranger Elite/Videos
- Spec Ops: Ranger Elite/Walkthrough
- Spec Ops: Ranger Team Bravo
- Spec Ops: Ranger Team Bravo/Screenshots
- Spec Ops: Ranger Team Bravo/Videos
- Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way
- Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way/Screenshots
- Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way/Videos
- Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol
- Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol/Screenshots
- Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol/Videos
- Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol/Walkthrough
- Spec Ops: The Line
- Spec Ops: The Line/Videos
- Spec Ops: The Line/Walkthrough